SACEMA honoured: NRF Societal Impact Award

The National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa acknowledged the South African Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis (SACEMA) at Stellenbosch University as one of three finalists (out of 35 research centres) for the prestigious Societal Impact Award at a ceremony held on 22 August 2024 at Sun City Resort, North West Province.

This esteemed recognition highlights SACEMA’s remarkable contributions over the past 18 years to understanding and controlling infectious diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis (TB), human papillomavirus (HPV), and, more recently, the COVID pandemic. SACEMA is a national centre of excellence, funded by the NRF from its inception in 2006 until April 2024. It is the forefront institution in epidemiological modelling on the African continent and its mission is to improve population health in Africa through effective use of modelling.

Frank Tanser, Director of SACEMA, expressed immense gratitude and pride in this achievement: “Being named a finalist for the NRF Societal Impact Award is a massive honour for SACEMA. It not only demonstrates the high regard in which our work is held but also underscores the substantial societal impacts we have made over nearly two decades.”

SACEMA has exemplified the NRF’s commitment to advancing research with impactful societal benefits through its activities. The SACEMA has led to groundbreaking methods, such as the Kassanjee method for HIV incidence estimation, adopted by the US CDC, and significant contributions to global HIV modelling and estimation. The centre also played a crucial role in the COVID-19 response, providing pivotal forecasts that informed public health strategies in South Africa and beyond. In addition, SACEMA is passionate about building South African and African capacity in epidemiological modelling. To date, SACEMA has graduated over 200 students, published over 500 scientific articles, and, together with its partners, delivered intensive short courses in infectious disease modelling and epidemiology to over 1000 participants.

Lynnemore Scheepers, Deputy Director of Operations at SACEMA, emphasized the importance of collaboration in their success: “This recognition is a testament to the incredible teamwork and partnerships we’ve fostered over the years. Our achievements are deeply rooted in our collaborations with national and international organizations, which have been instrumental in translating our research into meaningful real-world impact.”

Sibusiso Moyo, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research, Innovation, and Postgraduate Studies at Stellenbosch University, lauded SACEMA’s achievement: “SACEMA’s recognition by the NRF is a significant milestone for Stellenbosch University. It highlights the vital role that cutting-edge research plays in addressing global health challenges and reinforces our commitment to advancing knowledge that benefits society.”

As SACEMA continues to lead transformative research as part of the Population Health Innovation program within the Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation (CERI), the centre remains committed to substantially impacting public health, both locally and globally. Tulio de Oliveira, Director of CERI, remarked, “This recognition is another significant milestone—taking forward the strong collaboration between SACEMA and CERI established during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

This acknowledgement highlights SACEMA’s dedication to innovative science and its mission to create lasting societal impact.

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