Jeremy Bingham, MSc
Junior Researcher
Jeremy Bingham is a Junior Researcher at SACEMA. Prior to joining the staff of SACEMA, Jeremy was a full-time student pursuing an MSc in Mathematical Sciences at Stellenbosch University. Jeremy is currently working on several projects related to the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa in collaboration with the National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD), with a focus on building automated analysis pipelines for routine monitoring of COVID-19 data streams. Jeremy is also coordinating and participating in SACEMA’s Modelling and Analytics Response Team (SMART), currently an intensive training program preparing team members for, and involving them in, real-life outbreak response work. Jeremy’s previous training and research included theoretical physics and evolutionary game theory; Jeremy has participated in various training and mentorship activities, co-supervising several honours projects, lecturing a course on Agricultural Calculations at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), and mentoring for the 2020 course on Software Engineering for Applied Mathematical Sciences (SEAMS) held at SACEMA.