Rees EM, Nightingale ES, Jafari Y, Waterlow NR, Clifford S, Pearson CAB, Jombart T, Procter SR, Knight GM
BMC Medicine
Clifford S, Pearson CAB, Klepac P, van Zandvoort K, Quilty BJ, Eggo RM, Flasche S
Journal of Travel Medicine
Jombart T, van Zandvoort K, Russell TW, Jarvis CI, Gimma A, Abbott S, Clifford S, Funk S, Gibbs H, Liu Y, Pearson CAB, Bosse NI, Eggo RM, Kucharski AJ, Edmunds WJ
Wellcome Open Research
Pearson CAB, Abbas KM, Clifford S, Flasche S, Hladish TJ
Journal of the Royal Society Interface